New resource - Coal (Charcoal)

98 votes

Coal is one of the run-of-the-mill economic strategy game resources, but it has a good affinity with Timberborn setting.

First - you can produce charcoal from wood in kilns. (some faction may abstain from burning wood, but if it's needed for survival it sounds reasonable)

Second - coal can be used for filtering polluted water in advanced pumps or other filters, which makes it quite unique and acceptable eco trade-off for using kilns.

Third - if highly-requested winter season is added, it can be nicely used as advanced fuel (and you don't have to worry about storing enough logs for both building and heating for winter)

Fourth - apparently coal can be used as second component for explosives, if you feel paper alone is not blastful enough.

Usage for power production (by Iron Teeth) and metallurgy is standard thing, but it works as well.

Under consideration Resource Suggestion Suggested by: Gin Fuyou Upvoted: 05 May Comments: 11

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