Save and Load issue, including "illegal characters in the name"

18 votes

Timberborn looks for save games in the C (C:\Users\*myname*\Documents\Timberborn\Saves\) directory. I have Timberborn saved to a different drive (my F-drive), so my saved games are there. When I try to load a game, I get a blank menu (and C:\Users\...\Saves\ is empty). I cannot figure out how to tell the game to load saves from my F-drive.

[mod edit]: For players not being able to save game due to "illegal characters" message:

It can be caused by the Windows Ransomware protection blocking timberborn.exe from accessing the Documents folder where the saves are stored after the initial save.

See Admin message from January 2nd below for suggested solution. (full text doesn't fit in limits)

Under consideration Bug Suggested by: Rebecca Upvoted: 22 Oct, '22 Comments: 35

Comments: 35