Flood Season, Monsoon
Water management is at the core of this game. As well as drought, it would be interesting to manage a flood, where the water flow in the rivers is cranked up so that low-lying land gets flooded, with dams, levees, controlled flood plains upstream and related are means of diverting water to keep your settlement dry and productive
Comments: 142
19 Sep, '21
Amigo MergedRight now we only have to manage droughts. I suggest the implementation of wet seasons, where there is too much water which needs to be managed as well.
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19 Sep, '21
Gin Fuyou Admin"wet seasons" (suggested by Amigo on 2021-09-19), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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20 Sep, '21
Björn Björkman BäckströmThis would be wild! And would be a novel challenge. When I start going, I tend to end up with waay to much water. Having to actually build ways to handle even more water would be interesting.
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20 Sep, '21
IterBrilliant idea! It will add more depth into water handling in the game.
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22 Sep, '21
Angelia MergedPlease add rainy season and make it flood if possible. May be add water fountain and make area become green. May be more buildings to make this two factions become different.
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22 Sep, '21
frog MergedWe currently have a drought mechanics that we need to manage. It would be really amazing to extend the water management mechanics by creating floods. It could rise by multiple levels above average. So I would not only need to think about dams to hold water back but also about dams and drainage to save my town. It might even be possible to add flow rates so I can add more/less drainage.
The flood could damage/destroy buildings. Hamper growth of crops and trees and so on. I think it would be very interesting to manage the balance between drought and floods.
I feel it would be good to extend existing mechanics of the game that add depth to it. Also water physics/management is cool and seems to be the unique selling point of this game. -
23 Sep, '21
Gin Fuyou Admin"Rainy season" (suggested by Angelia on 2021-09-22), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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23 Sep, '21
Gin Fuyou Admin"flood mechanic to extend water management" (suggested by frog on 2021-09-22), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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23 Sep, '21
Alfredo Gonzalezno such thing as too much water, I'm currently purposely flooding a lot of my map and using levees and adjustable dams to prevent the water from flooding my villages. I'm all for the flooding season.
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25 Sep, '21
Arkosuch season should start with some nice rain animation!
Flooding should have some effects on soil and plantations (killing plants like drought does), maybe wiping occasionally some trees. Uprooted trees could create their own dam, block floodgates or small canals or breaking some exposed buildings like waterwheels.
Water could turn muddy and so not being walkable/swim-able. -
26 Sep, '21
officialNecroDefinitely would love to see this, right now players are only focused on storing the biggest mount of water possible, I'd love to be forced to consider how fast I can get that water out, plus it'd be a good way to refill my tanks after the drought xD
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27 Sep, '21
Peter DI would enjoy some extra water. My only complaint is flooding is already a big danger because it shuts down pretty much everything, so it might need some balancing or be a hard more only feature.
Having a heavy thunderstorm spawning some water across the map would also be neat. -
28 Sep, '21
JamesA storm would be better with the current mechanics then an increase to the water generation.
The water can leave the map from anywhere except at the source.
Too easy to just create overflows to edge of map.
A storm could generate small amounts water everywhere. Enough to flood all your ground level buildings to simulate an 'its dangerous, dont go outside' feeling. I say ground level also because of the current mechanics and it makes sense that your raised buildings dont get flooded on wood/metal platforms.
In this instance, it would be better if crops and trees are stopped, similar to their drought behaviour so that the game doesnt eventually become a matter of just making everything off the ground and still peacefully collect food and wood under water like you can currently.
This way you would still have to create proper stockpiles of at least food to stay alive.
This would add thought to creating large dams around your districts too as you would have to clear water afterwards -
28 Sep, '21
ThomasIf the government considers to increase the flood disaster, I suggest that we can increase the crop damage caused by flood, and increase the crops resistant to flood and drought, which can be unlocked by science and technology.
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28 Sep, '21
TheVulpanSince players are already storing mass amounts of water for a drought and for use in irrigation channels, having a flood or storm season could quickly overflow rivers, channels and dams.
Put simply, if everyone is used to having droughts, suddenly having a flood will cause chaos. -
06 Oct, '21
Maxim Mergedit would be interesting to defend not only against drought but against flood.
And please, give more information about buildings (for example i can not see the range of water tower before unlocking the technology)
game is cool) -
07 Oct, '21
Cilera Dragonfang MergedI love the dry season and the challenges it brings. But let me tell you... if you don't build a levee or flood gate properly your town will flood in a heart beat. And that got me thinking. What if there was a challenge mode that also introduced a monsoon season instead of/or along side the dry season. Not only would you have to find a way to retain water, but you'd also have to worry about flooding and keeping water out! The water dynamics of this game is amazing. It would be cool to see both sides of the spectrum.
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07 Oct, '21
Gin Fuyou Admin"Monsoon Season?" (suggested by Cilera Dragonfang on 2021-10-07), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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07 Oct, '21
Gin Fuyou Admin"More information about buildings and flood" (suggested by Maxim on 2021-10-06), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
10 Oct, '21
Zakkary Silva-Sampaioalso maybe water can damage stuff too. ... trees and bushes die in flooded areas in real life too ... just saying
13 Oct, '21
Felix MergedMore different challenges than "just" droughts. So for example a flood than increases the amount of water resulting from the water source.
So not the flood you can create by creating dams but that the current configuration of water gates are not enough animore to cope with the amount of water. So you need for example some overflow basin around your town -
13 Oct, '21
Gin Fuyou Admin"Add more challenges than "just" droughts like floods" (suggested by Felix on 2021-10-13), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
20 Oct, '21
Luiz FelicianoI loved this idea!
This will make designing and managing the dams much more interesting. I'm rooting for it to get on the developers' radar.
It just can't show up in the first few cycles, as we wouldn't be able to survive it in the early game. I think the path would be to turn this into an event, which happens every few cycles, and which can have different intensity. -
20 Oct, '21
JamieIf a flood or rainy season is going to be added, can a setting to turn it off also be implemented into a settings screen for each (already existing) world. I like my main world as it is and I don't like the idea of a flood/raining season so I wouldn't want to have this option turned on at all, in any world.
21 Oct, '21
Roy HornstraI would go a step further and add both rain, that collects on top of the land and you would need to get rid of, like what the OP is suggesting. And off map seawater that polutes tiles/ forces the dry state on it. Reclaiming water from the sea with pumps dams and levees would interest me a lot.
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23 Oct, '21
Kenneth FerlandFloods are good, but the beavers should not really mind being wet, it will be certain buildings and crops which are inoperable and damaged. A system in which silt/mud and other ground materials are eroded and moved should exist so a flood can deposit material on the map, collecting these muds and silts from the river would be key to expanding the cultavatable areas as the desert soil will be poor and sandy. It also gives the player an infinite source of potential soil to build up the terrain with or use in manufacturing processes.
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23 Oct, '21
Gin Fuyou Admin"can you setting up the new disaster such as rainstorm,which can make dams play a more important role" (suggested by goldenSTAME on 2021-10-23), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
29 Oct, '21
Breton Crellin MergedWhat about a map that slowly inevitably flooded leaving you less room to build and having to rely on building industry in areas that only function during drought times when they're not flooded.
I think it would turn a lot of dynamics upside down in a interesting way. -
30 Oct, '21
Gin Fuyou Admin"Next experimental map a flooding map" (suggested by Breton Crellin on 2021-10-29), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
04 Nov, '21
jethro hendrix Mergedyou have to build up and the work towards explosives and blow down the outer side wall before it floods ..this could be something in story mode if you make one
05 Nov, '21
Gin Fuyou Admin"do a flood map .." (suggested by jethro hendrix on 2021-11-04), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
08 Nov, '21
mrfooglesI've just started with the game, and I panicked a little seeing the drought indicator. I gathered like 200 berries in the 3 days warning I had, then it turned out I only needed 30 or so. I think adding depth to the challenge part of the game (water management) is a really good idea.
03 Dec, '21
Chris LuitenDrought seasons start to be handled with ease. Flood seasons can become an bigger chalange. Suddenly having more flow then your river can handle makes you plan more in advance.
And you can increase their difficulty in 2 ways:
-Duration -
12 Dec, '21
Eryk Mergedmaybe sometimes there shoould be flood seaseon. there will be more water than usually just to make some new dificulty
14 Dec, '21
Gin Fuyou Admin"flood" (suggested by Eryk on 2021-12-12), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
24 Dec, '21
Richard Mergedthis will be the opposite of droughts floods, Floods will be extreem rare will spawning rate of between 5 and 25 cycles (how harder your difficulty how faster it will happen) for this cycle it will also replace the drought for that cycle, the flood will have a dept of between +3 and +7 ( (how harder your difficulty how higher) plus when you get the warning is between 1 and 7 days (how harder your difficulty how shorter the timer) after the flood you will have for a few days flood damaged ground (mud) that will turn to normale between 5 and 15 days (how harder your difficulty how longer it takes) flooded ground (muddy) can not be build on (paths will still be buildable) be will give you a boost to farming of 100%
and maybe another idea i have make all blocks 3 blocks from the river mud blocks will give a farming boost but you can't build on it -
25 Dec, '21
Gin Fuyou Admin"natural disaster: Flood" (suggested by Richard on 2021-12-24), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
02 Jan, '22
Zelo MergedDuring the rainy weather the water level would increase and lead to flooding, so it would be necessary to be able to manage the floods with strategic dams which would make the game more diversified with other type of weather and other type of difficulty of this
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02 Jan, '22
Gin Fuyou Admin"Add Rainy weather -> Flood" (suggested by Zelo on 2022-01-02), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
03 Jan, '22
Nourzed MergedCan we add a new event who will be a flood event ? Not so hard to implement and it will be challenging to manage the overflow of water. Especially if the penalty for flooded building is higher. Thanks again for the early game who despite being really nice is really addicitve.
03 Jan, '22
Gin Fuyou Admin"Flood event" (suggested by Nourzed on 2022-01-03), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
06 Jan, '22
Jo Bamathe thing with flood season is if a building is flooded you cant access it including storage so you would have to building things off the ground on platforms which give us to much to do
14 Jan, '22
ECI agree. What makes this game different from the scores of other city building games is hydroengineering, but currently we only have two states: water on and water off. Variable water flows that are perhaps seasonal and unpredictable would add so much to this game.
18 Jan, '22
sunyudaiI'd suggest a variation on this, in two parts:
1. Add a flood that has a chance of occurring in either season of the Cycle: It will either take up the first or second half of the wet season, or the first or second half of the dry season. During a flood, two things happen: Evaporation stops, and the Strength of all water source blocks is increased per part 2 below. Additionally, floods only get 1 day of warning, not 3.
2. Add a small random variance to water source block strength over time:
- Drought can range from -20% to 10%, where a percentage that is 0% or less is just treated as "off", no water is generated.
- Normal weather can range from 80% to 120%
- Flood can range from 140% to 180%
When the Season changes, the water strength is randomly determined to be somewhere between those ranges. Then, every evening and morning, the strength has a 50% chance of staying the same, a 25% chance of increasing by 4% to 10%, or a 25% chance of decreasing by 4% to 10%. -
02 Feb, '22
Thijmen MergedWe only have drought as an weather emergency, but maybe it would be fun to have different emergencies like floods, so you need to build a dam to protect your village from getting destroyed or storms for mid game so you need to build lightning rods on elevated buildings to prevent lightning from impacting.
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03 Feb, '22
Gin Fuyou Admin"More types of weather emergencies" (suggested by Thijmen on 2022-02-02), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
08 Feb, '22
Ragin' BeaverRight now there is no reason to not build as close to the water level as possible, and no reason to not keep your water reservoirs behind dams as full as possible - floods would add a new consideration to all that, and make the later game (once you're established, when the stakes are higher) more challenging and interesting. They would have to be pretty epic, though - occasionally overtopping my own dams isn't even a nuisance as is, so to be impactful a flood would have to raise the water level significantly, stick around long enough to destroy crops, and possibly wipe out all perishables from any storehouses that become submerged.
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12 Mar, '22
blash365Here is my related idea for another season that would essentially do the same thing with rain:
Rain season: in this season rain will be pouring all over the map, it will allow hill tops to be fertile, but also overflow riverbeds resulting in flooded terrain.
This season could feel like an easy season in the beginning, allowing you some breathing room when it comes to fertile land.
But in the long run, when the duration increases, it would become a great challenge, leading to floods that need to be actively managed by pumps or creating high rise settlements. -
17 Mar, '22
Gin Fuyou Admin"A flood season" (suggested by UK_Kennedy on 2022-03-17), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
16 Aug, '22
BrendonI already am having trouble with floods, where the game doesn't route water properly and it doesn't go to the lowest point, but instead floods my entire town. It seems to do this randomly. I only notice it on experimental mode. Possibly a bug, possibly just trying to make things more difficult. It's nice for droughts though because then I have a lot of water saved up.