Schooling and intelligent upgrades. Education system

97 votes

In order to make some cool upgrades and gradually upgrade buildings, maybe intergrate education into the games. What I had in mind is that childeren actually can get to school or are thought at the campfre by adults. A portion of the beavers who actually recieved education can perform certain jobs (better). Like for example of an educated beaver produces science, they produce it twice as fast due to their experience. Or are better forresters, farmers etc.

Maybe exclusively educated beavers have the availability to work with special crops like apples and fruit gardens, or are able to enchant/brew/work as baker to give some idea's.

Lastly, maybe certain buildings like the monuments or the major upgrades can only be unlocked by educated beavers, like large housing, large storage systems, and the large windmill?

[mod edit]: Attached image from BardGT suggestion

Under consideration Suggestion Suggested by: BasicsInBuilding Upvoted: 29 Feb Comments: 16

Comments: 16