Improve and simplify Distribution Post interface and mechanics - easy district resource sharing

56 votes

Okey, I am not sure if any suggestion like this is already out there, but I didnt seem to find one. I would really love if the hole interface/district trading system would recive more love. Currently I feel like I have to build basically every district self sufficent, because keeping an overview is so hard.
1. One easy thing would be to show us the resource interface of the district we are closest by with the camera. (I personally don't see the point in having an overall resources count).
2. The trading posts would profit of a better overview how many resources/day am I sending to which district, etc.
3. Resource Interface: Instead of "Material" and then having EVERYTHING there, how about all the wood products under the basic logs, a metal roster with all metal products, just like with food.

Anyways love the game, looking fwrd to updates!

[mod edit]: turning this topic into general distribution improvement topic.

On our radar Suggestion UI Suggested by: Daniel Upvoted: yesterday Comments: 57

Comments: 57