Drone Camera Mode / First Person View / Photo Mode / Beaver eyes

25 votes

- A completely free camera, with a shorter focal length. FOV of 90°, and closer near clip plane.
- Accessible through the pause menu, for taking pictures.
- The most important aspect to me would be the ability to move the camera itself upwards and downwards, as well as look straight up, and pivot around the camera location.
- The mouse wheel would then, instead of moving the camera forwards and backwards, just change the focal length (zoom).
- There should probably be buttons for moving up and down as well, maybe Q and E, since we don't need them for rotation in this mode.
- Mouse would be locked to the center and hidden, like a real first person camera.

Less important:
- Holding LCTRL could then give you access to your cursor to change camera settings and maybe filters in a side panel? TAB could toggle hud (including the side panel)
- I don't think SPACE should be used to move up, because I think the game should still be able to run during this mode, and space toggles time.

Under consideration Suggestion UI Suggested by: Maxi Upvoted: 02 Mar Comments: 16

Comments: 16