Map Editor - trim map

13 votes

I bit off more than I could chew! (Beaver pun number #1). I wood (#2) like a feature where I could trim the size of a map down after I started creating it. Basically just a simple 'cut' feature. I started making a huge map and realized that really the starting area turned out to be interesting game play just by itself (I've had to play it a couple times to see if I could manage my resources well enough to survive, and that's just on easy mode... make a couple too many planks and you'll be short on logs!)

A mapmaker mode would be really useful for playtesting maps. I had to stop my game a couple times when I realized I didn't have enough trees placed to get a couple basics up and going and I was going to die before any new ones grew. Being able to edit right in the game would make designing new maps much easier to playtest.

Under consideration Map editor Suggestion Suggested by: Nacoran Upvoted: 12 Apr Comments: 2

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