Beavers don't drink and eat at the nearest - needs fullfilment pathfinding and proximity issues

47 votes

The Beaver at my farmhouse and gristmils (red crosses) go drinking at the water tank in the right upper corner (green circle) instead of the one direct besides the farmhouse (yellow arrow). Even after deleting the green one the beaver uses the tanks above the green ones (barely visible on the image).
This it the building order of my tanks.
I tried some other beavers the one in the bakery runs the longest possible way to drink water, skipping 7 nearer water tanks.
I expect the beavers to use the nearest possible tank or at least reasonable near.
Same with eating. Every warehouse in this area has all food supplys, but the beavers seem to run to the warehouse where they _first_ ate. (Last one is an estimation, but it seems that way, maybe it helps by searching for the bug.)
I also have a savegame which can reproduce this behavior.

Beavers in screenshot were 60+
Young new grown up Beavers filling up died old ones drink and eat in the nearest spot. Is that intended?

Under consideration Bug Suggested by: Max Upvoted: 23 Apr Comments: 52

Comments: 52