Merge Drop-off Point with Distribution Post to make "Market"

8 votes

Transfer of goods between districts is incredibly inefficient at the moment, as the Distribution Post beavers always make the return journey emptyhanded. The Distribution post also seems quite redundant given how "Hauling Post" is basically the best structure to sink your unemployed beavers into.

The Market would be a building with TWO entrances (or functionally if it is hard to make that happen - two back-to-back buildings that are "linked). The two entrances have to be in separate districts A and B. Resources entering from the A door can be recovered from the B door by the B district beavers and vice-versa. Think a warehouse with 2 doors and 2 separate capacity meters.

With basic math, since the Haulers can now both make a journey to deposit AND to retrieve items, the return journey between two districts that are trading with each other will rarely be empty-handed. It would also allow for "big Market" mechanics where you can increase the capacity of materials held at that location.

Done Building Suggestion Suggested by: Shakespeare Upvoted: 19 Feb, '23 Comments: 2

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