House of Bureaucracy - a beaver solution to automation (administration)

19 votes

As i played more and more with the iron teeth the more i realise just how much better would be if i could have some way to automate some of the things they do.

The "House of Bureaucracy" is my suggestion to this problem.

This is essentially a building where you employ beavers to do various tasks like accounting, managing and soo on. The building functions in a simple way, the more beavers you employ there the more efficient and varied the task they make can be.

For example here are some variants:

Management: If you put beavers here you can choose a building type and apply a rule to it.

- If X is higher/lower than [set amount] this building is ON/OFF.
- If previous is TRUE/FALSE than [set amount] workers from building A go to building B.

Accounting: Beavers in this position passively increase the efficiency of gathering, manufacturing or transporting aspects of selected beavers.

It first this theme of throwing more beavers at problems to fix 'em.

Under consideration Building Suggestion Suggested by: Gauron Upvoted: 10 Feb Comments: 10

Comments: 10