Irrigation Towers effeciency

16 votes

It'd be nice to see a few different irrigation systems, and they should all be more efficient than poking a hole in the dirt and tossing water in. Reasoning being, that there is a water table, and the ground will soak up water and pull it down through the porous dirt, and they use pipes with small holes to help control the water flow where it needs to go.

1x1 irrigation tower, loaded purely by unemployed or laborers, has no workers, and stores enough water to keep a small area irrigated.

2x2 irrigation tower, has a dedicated worker to keep it full, but can also be toggled into an unmanned version, having enough water to last two days when full.

3x3 irrigation tower, a heavy duty late game metal infused system with or without worker (as above), that covers a very large area and stores enough water to irrigate for 3 days when completely full.

2x2 and 3x3 should use scrap metal for pipe networks. Water loss depends on amount of ground being fed by it, over natural sources.

Done Bug Suggestion Suggested by: Vas Upvoted: 22 Aug, '23 Comments: 7

Comments: 7