Faction: Swamp Paws
The swamp paws are the only faction to not have just beavers! They function very differently, growing like the folktails, but recruiting swamp creatures to help them out. Possums are great at gathering, Elk are fantastic haulers, and Moles are great diggers for planting trees. The way you acquire each animal is different, but they are all worse than beavers at everything except for one aspect they specialize in. Swamp paws also have houses that can have trees growing on top of them, saving on just a bit of space, despite being 2x3x2 at their smallest. They also have a higher flood water tolerance on most buildings, meaning they can survive a tidal surge that sweeps over a colony.
"Together we are strongest." -Swamp Paws motto
Comments: 5
11 Feb, '22
SampsonSome additional ideas for them:
Each faction comes with their own power source that is entirely unique. These guys both do, and don't. Their unique power source is an Elk Wheel. It's a bit longer than a normal power wheel, requires an elk worker, but it generates way more power. They also have a unique sideways water wheel that is solid on the top and can be connected upwards to give out power, letting players with deep reservoirs generate a lot of power when the river is running.
Creatures (not beavers) would have a built in job priority system, where they would take over jobs they specialize in, such as possums taking over gathering and artisan jobs (crafting planks, gears, ect), moles would take over any job with planting (foresters and land farmers), while any hauling job and elk wheels would be filled by the elks. Only beavers are able to build or do water farming. -
13 Feb, '22
SampsonSome additional ideas for them:
The entire faction revolves around recruiting, enlisting, and maintaining a diverse number of creatures. This is done with a unique building: the Recruitment Drive. This building takes 4 jobs that can be filled by any worker, and will bring a specific creature to your colony's district. In the RD you can set a limit on the number of each creature you want to have in that district (10 possums, 12 elk, 4 moles for example), letting you have a bit more control over numbers. New creatures also will be recruited at half speed if there is no available housing, and will stop recruiting if that creature's district limit is reached. This will take a lot of getting used to, as players will have to manage almost every aspect of their colony as it grows, including population controls. -
13 Feb, '22
SampsonSome additional ideas for them:
Different creatures take up different space and consume different amounts of food and water. Possums are nearly identical to beavers, just consuming slightly less, moles take up 1/2 space and consume 1/3 the food and water, while elk take up 3x the housing and consume 4x the food and water.
Possums are faster moving and do artisan work 1.25x faster than beavers, and gather berries and chestnuts almost instantly. Moles move slightly slower, but plant and harvest crops and trees 2x faster. Elk are 2.5x faster, have a base carry capacity of 20kg (going up to 40kg when in a hauling post!), and in elk wheel produce 150 hp. As beavers are the bulk of the colony, not needing to be recruited, they take up the bulk of the jobs, letting specialists have job priority wherever possible. -
27 Feb, '22
neeedlesThe Swamp Paws could have another aquatic crop, algae, that can be used for fuel. They could also have houses that need to be flooded. Maybe an aquarium for a science producer.
04 Mar, '22
SampsonI suppose that a flooded building would be fun, but during long droughts it would be useless (looking at you 30 day back to back droughts on hard). As for algae, that would be really fun! Burn it for biofuel or cook it for food, heck, you could even process it for water, making it a great multi use item!