Advanced (Drinking) Water pump alternative

8 votes

Currently, water pumping to get fresh drinkable water are still limited and you need around 10% of your labor force to handle water pumping without buffs. Hence I would suggest late game tech;

FT have the Evaporation Collector; they can build a special water station on top of special tilable platforms that cost a small amount of paper to make but passively collect the lost water from evaporation and sends it to the station. No power or beavers need to run this but covering a whole river will recycle a lot of water.

IT have the WellTower. A 3x3 structure that has a gap in the middle with a drill well below the earth. It uses HP power to suck a ton of water and filters them but uniquely generates a small amount of water from deep aquafiers even if the reseviour completely dries out.

Lastly, expensive luxury lodge for both factions. With the entrance on the 2nd floor, it gives out a higher comfort bonus and have inbuilt water filters so thirst is statisfied automatically if in rivers.

Under consideration Building Suggestion Suggested by: D00D Upvoted: 05 May, '23 Comments: 7

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