interim patch for irrigation tower

35 votes

While a more permanent solution is being configured, I'd like to put forth the following suggestion which should theoretically not be too difficult to implement.

Reduce consumption from 2 per hour to 1 per 48 hours.

What changes?
Disparity between irrigation tower and water dump is closed significantly
Uses around 11-12 water in the time that a water dump takes to use 5, instead of the current 1050+ water to 5 units of water
Changes from water dump being just simply instantly better to being more efficient in water usage, but costing manpower in the form of a beaver worker (currently irrigation tower worker, to my knowledge, is superfluous (like engine workers) only existing to ferry feed stock to the builing)

Stretch request:
Increase irrigation tower watering radius to exceed natural water irrigation area, or at least match it

Related thread:

Done Balance Suggestion Suggested by: Jcheung Upvoted: 18 Jan Comments: 6

Comments: 6