New wind settings

3 votes

MinRequiredWindmillWindStrength: (default: 0.3) - 0.1
MinRequiredLargeWindmillWindStrength: (default: 0.2) - 0.3
MinWindStrength: (default: 0) - 0.1
MaxWindStrength: (default 1) - 1
MinWindTimeInHours: (default 5) - 16
MaxWindTimeInHours: (default 12) - 32

Reasons to do so:
1. That way, wind gets more reliable (you don't have to look so often if it's blowing or not)
2. small windmills are not useless after researching large windmills
3. small windmills are reliable, but weak
4. large windmills are not reliable, but are giving that power surge to charge up batteries
5. It looks and feels a lot nicer, when you can use effectively small and large windmills together.

Under consideration Balance Suggestion Suggested by: Into Upvoted: 13 Nov, '22 Comments: 4

Comments: 4