Large scale projects are too slow to build

6 votes

On the one hand, it is understandable, that 1000+ levees will take time to build, but with the current state, it takes forever, even if all the materials are prepared.

Plese increase worker slots in Builder's Hut and Terraforming Station to 10.

Add larger Levee and Platform pieces as single buildings.

Add a type of dinamite that creates a bigger hole.

Make it that Levees, Platforms and Stairs would build from less trips. This could be a late-game option.

Add an option to disable catalyst use for bots on a district basis, so districts with these large projects could amass Catalyst and then turn on "turbo mode".

Implement a Blueprint Mode that then tells the player how much material is needed, so they can prepare accordingly before they press go on a large project.

Under consideration Balance Building Suggestion Suggested by: WhiteRoo Upvoted: 08 Feb Comments: 0

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