Faction-specific music

8 votes

The update 4 content shows that the devs care about making the Iron Teeth more distinct from the Folktails and I like that.

I feel like having different music for each faction would really help to bring a different vibe when switching from one to the other, making them even more distinct while adding a bit of music diversity to the game. It could also help developping the "personnality" and the culture of each faction.

For exemple, maybe the Folktail music could be a bit calmer, cheerful and rely more on wind/string instruments than Iron Teeth music, whereas the latter could be a bit more pressing, motivating and use a bit more percussion or metallical instruments? The current soundtrack could be splitted and redistributed between the two factions, with the addition of new pieces of music.

Under consideration Audio Suggestion Suggested by: Iyaargh Upvoted: 03 Jan Comments: 0

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