Rebalance irontooth food - increased technology produces less food

3 votes

The food production doesn't add up for irontooth at the moment. If you put cassava in the fermenter it takes 2 hours to produce 10, 5 food per beaver hour. Fermented soy beans take 3 hours plus 1.3 hours for the canola press to produce 20, which is (20/4.3) = 4.6 food per beaver hour. They give the same +2 benefit to the beavers. So it's less efficient even before you consider the costs of transport, building and unlocking a new technology, and needing gears for the oil press. In 1 hour in the hydroponic garden a beaver will grow (45/192) = 0.23 of a mushroom, and then in the same hour the fermenter will double it to 0.5 of a mushroom. So for two beaver hours of work you've produced half a mushroom. The corn rations are pretty good value at just under 10 per hour, but the eggplant and algae rations don't justify the increase from 5 to 6 because they use canola oil, which takes an hour to refine. So with the system as it stands you're much better off planting berries.

Under consideration Balance Experimental Suggestion Suggested by: Mel Upvoted: 24 Nov, '23 Comments: 0

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