Unique sound for badtide flow - new season music theme

8 votes

in the U5 experimental branch, i suggest adding a unique sound for when badtide shows up in the forecast. maybe something that is a bit more alarming to grab the attention of the player. i think making the first badtide season not last as long would also help.

I was not expecting the first one because i didn't know it existed. this left my 2 districts without any clean water on the map. my water and food reserves both ran out at about the time it ended. water was able to recover quicker than water, but not before decimating the population of my 2nd district.

this is to explain just how big of a setback the first badtide was, that i did not even realize was coming

Under consideration Audio Suggestion Suggested by: ocean Upvoted: 02 Nov, '23 Comments: 1

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