Universal water source - allow more conrol and versatility for map makers, freshwater only source

11 votes

Introducing a separate model for a badwater source unfortunately missed the chance to give map makers some options, how water should flow. My suggestions is to just use the same source blocks and give these blocks plenty of options to control how water flows in different seasons:

1. Let the user toggle between fresh water or bad water source

2. If fresh water source:
- Shall it switch to badwater during badtide or continue producing fresh water?

3. If badwater source:
- Shall it produce badwater during normal weather or only during badtide?
- Shall it continue to produce badwater during a drought or should it stop?

As you can see there would be plenty of options for controlling exactly how and how much to annoy the player in different seasons.

Under consideration Experimental Suggestion Suggested by: TTJ Upvoted: 20 Apr Comments: 6

Comments: 6