Gate, Roadblock, No Entry - toggle / pause access to area to stop beavers from going into badwater

28 votes

In my first encounter of badtide, I tried to prevent my beavers going down the red river by deleting the only path that went under water. However, one of my beavers still went down the river to build a levee on the other side of the river. I had another path to go to the other side, but the beaver still chose the shortest path and get contaminated.

For my suggestion, the new building should look like the old district gate, used as a path or built on top of a path. When closed, the path is completely blocked like a fence and beavers can't go through. When opened, beavers can walk through normally.

It is useful when you can't divert the badwater away from your colony, at least you don't need to destroy the stairs every time badtide hit and rebuild them later.

Under consideration Building Suggestion Suggested by: Lapis Upvoted: 10 Apr Comments: 28

Comments: 28