U5: Make irrigation/pollution blocking dams/levees/floodgates an advanced version

5 votes

In the early game the only chance to store water and make more land arable is to use dams and levees. Dirt and explosives only become available later. Thus, making levees and dams block irrigation is a killer for water management.

Proposal: Introduce and "advanced" version of levees and dams that block irrigation and pollution. Players can research these later for upgrading their settlement. The basic versions should be non-blocking for both irrigation and pollution.

These advanced versions could also come at additional costs. A nice twist could be to require resin for sealing (but no metal or treated planks). As such, resin would have a use earlier in the game, before metal is accessible.

Under consideration Experimental Suggestion Suggested by: TTJ Upvoted: 15 Oct, '23 Comments: 2

Comments: 2