Update 5 10/12/23 hotfix issues

5 votes

In the new hotfix for Update 5, there was tweaks to the water physics that stop the contamination through dams, levees, and floodgates. I understand you also made this change to irrigation. I think making it to irrigation is unreasonable because now no made how large a water source you can't make it usuable land. Unless the water can make contact next to Ground it won't make it usable for agriculture. It feels unreasonable and unrealistic. Now the only way to make usuable water sources is to use dynamite or terraforming when are in my opinion to far gated behind research and the need for metal to be the answer. I would rather deal with Badwater contamination going through levees then to loss the ability to irrigation through levees. I unfortunately will have to put the game down unless this is fixed.

Done Experimental Feedback Suggested by: David Upvoted: 16 Oct, '23 Comments: 3

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