Feedback: Badwater

7 votes

I want to give a feedback to the badwater feature, I'm not sure if there is a better place than this forum.
As much as I like Timberborn, I'm not that satisfied with badwater. In short: As toxic as it is, I have a real strong motivation to get rid of it as soon and as far as possible except for a small pond for ressource collecting.
As it completely destory vegetation of the riverbank it touches, my first goal is to divert all riversources with flood gates at the beginning (see attached image). As it really knocks out contaminated beavers and the decon-pods are quite expensive and energy-consuming I do great effort to avoid beavers from touching badwater.
So in the end badwater gives an additional iteration of goals early to achieve, after that I play as usual with effectiv a little smaller map, as some parts with badwatersources (also diverted to the next map-border) are "forbidden area". I could write more feedback, but I'm at the end of the allowed lenght :)

Under consideration Experimental Feedback Suggested by: Quax Upvoted: 27 Jan Comments: 10

Comments: 10