Feedback on Badwater

2 votes

Aight, after playing around a lot i'll drop a feedback. I do like Badwater as it gives you a challenge to deal with additionally to the game, so props for that.
What i tho REALLY find bad is that Badtide can happen already at Cycle 2 which is, on a good couple maps, HORRIBLE. I really did like the earlier experimental update better where Cycle 4 was the time where Badtide would happen as it gave you just the amount of time to settle in and prepare for the worst. So far i been playing Terasses and Meander both on Hard Mode, while Terasses had it's earlierst for me on cycle 3 (and it was TIGHT), my Meander gameplay was even worser with Cycle 2, 3 and 4 being all BADTIDE. It quite literaly throws progress around, in a bad way.

So yeah, i kinda hope that maybe a "Cycle 4 Badtide can start appearing" makes a return again because it's quite stressful.

Other then that tho, stay awesome, y'all doing a great job!

Done Experimental Feedback Suggested by: Katsu Upvoted: 25 Oct, '23 Comments: 1

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