Levee Irrigation + Dedicated Impermeable insulating block (metal \ waterproof levee)

6 votes

Since Levees block irrigation, it made life extremly hard early game which is, considering the fact you may even run into multiple Badtide cycles early on like i did on cycle 2, 3 and 4 (HARD MODE), not being able to rely on Levees anymore to help Irrigation even tho they're an EARLY Block to use, not to mention also Floodgates blocking Irrigation...

It's let's say not great. I do appreciate that there's now a way to block Irrigation, tho i think in all honesty, specially Levee is kinda the wrong block for this. (And i'm btw Levee lover, i love using them, they're pretty)

So instead of making Levees obtain this irrigation block, give them the irrigation feature back while adding a new Block named Metal Levee which blocks Irrigation by simply it's weight.
This would give Anyone, (specially FT), another additional way of using their Metals to build massive Metal Walls of Metal Levees, blocking out anything. (Maybe also Metal Floodgates)

Thank you for the amazing y'all! <3

Done Experimental Suggestion Suggested by: Katsu Upvoted: 22 Oct, '23 Comments: 3

Comments: 3