Better gameplay feedback loop - advisor or guide to push player, beaver desires

2 votes

After playing this game for a while, I do enjoy it, but its missing some gameplay feedback loops. After following the tutorial and building the basics, there really isn't any system in the game that was pushing or guiding me in certain directions. Looking at my little town, I was quite content with what I saw. Food was stocked, warehouses were full, etc. I started to wonder what to do, and had to manually check the beavers desires to figure out that they wanted a shower and stuff.

I would suggest implementing some system fulfilling the role of guiding the player to do certain things. Think of the advisors in games like Sim City 4, Chirper in Cities Skylines, putting icons above beavers indicating what kind of resource they want. Lock certain buildings not just behind science requirements, but behind happiness requirements. Subdivide categories of needs into tiers and use them as prerequisite for unlocking the next tier of buildings. Right now i could just wait out the science.

Under consideration Feedback Suggestion Suggested by: Marcel Upvoted: 20 Feb Comments: 1

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