General UI improvements

2 votes

On version v0.4.9.3:


* It would be nice for buildings that need power to have the little lightning icon in another color (maybe some kind of yellow). I found it difficult to tell what buildings needed power to run.

* It would be nice to have an icon for crops that are aquatic.

* It would be nice to be able to show shortcuts on the toolbar UI.

* It would be nice to have a search bar in the toolbar, games like Oxygen Not Included do this very well.

* It would be nice to have an icon or text that explained that some crops are not edible immediatly. i.e potaoes need to be cooked, other crops make paper, etc. Maybe add an icons for "ingredients" vs "food"?

* It would be nice to add a color to the science icon.


* It would be nice to see a little chart/graph with the consumption of food, power needs, etc.

Under consideration Feedback UI Suggested by: Sergio F Upvoted: 07 Feb Comments: 0

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