Curved stairs (spiral, angled, corner, turning stair)
Clockwise and anti-clockwise
Comments: 73
21 Sep, '21
Gin Fuyou AdminAdded keyword to title for better search
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21 Sep, '21
KrufarYe, would be great if you could go down or up with stairs without the need for having a 3x3 grid
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21 Sep, '21
LordRedStoneHaving to use stairs one block down in a straight line hurts, adding angled or curved stairs would really help with that.
However I can see that it might be intended to encourage more planning when building vertical architecture. -
22 Sep, '21
Mo MergedOnly having straight stairs really limits how compact you can build your city. Having the opportunity to also build stairs which turn left or right (all while still only having a one cell footprint) would allow for more highrise buildings. Of course they also will have to be researched and should be more expensive than regular stairs, but this change would allow a greater degree of freedom, especially when building new structures in the city centre.
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23 Sep, '21
Gin Fuyou Admin"Spiral staircases" (suggested by Mo on 2021-09-22), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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24 Sep, '21
David C BollingerI had a slightly different thought on spiral stairs. Instead of 1x1, make them 1x2, so that they do a full 180 to go up a level. This would counter the slightly increased steepness of spiral stairs. You could also have them with multiple entries/exits. Have the entries/exits on each level for the two parts of the one long side, but also have entries and exits on the short sides. Then you could have a 2x2 staircase, and the beavers could jump off at any level.
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25 Sep, '21
A different Kevin MergedI'm thinking of a staircase where the exit point is on the same (x. y) coordinate, just one level above the entry point. The flow would be enter from a path or platform, go forward up a slight rise, turn 90-degrees, go forward up a slight rise, turn 90-degrees, go forward up a slight rise, turn 90-degrees, go forward up a slight rise to a platform with a path that's right above the entry-point. These could be stacked on top of each other to produce a stairwell going up as many floors as needed. Additionally, these could be topped with 3 2-high platforms and a 1-high platform over the exit to make a flat 2x2 platform.
25 Sep, '21
Gin Fuyou Admin"2x2 Stackable "Spiral" Staircase" (suggested by A different Kevin on 2021-09-25), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
26 Sep, '21
Stxn MergedStairs should also have an option to be 90 degrees so you can make more nicer paths and also makes it more organised.
27 Sep, '21
Gin Fuyou Admin"90 Degrees stairs" (suggested by Stxn on 2021-09-26), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
02 Oct, '21
OneButtonGamingSpiral stairs should be an unlockable option for 90 degree access and compact build / late game optimisation - upvoted
17 Oct, '21
RandomthoughtfulI think something like this should require a massive amount of science and be end-game content.
19 Oct, '21
KDM MergedShould be more resource-heavy than regular staircases (requires metal?), but being able to run a staircase two or more stories on a single square would be a huge benefit.
19 Oct, '21
Gin Fuyou Admin"Stackable sprial staircases" (suggested by KDM on 2021-10-19), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
21 Oct, '21
Aerospacebeaver MergedPersonally, the biggest QOL path related frustration is a lack of a single tile staircase that allows beavers to move up a level; exiting directly above where they entered. Currently If you want this functionality you have to build a 4x4 section of path at minimum which can be quite limiting and often not possible to pull off.
I hope this an alright suggestion, thanks for making a brilliant game so far! -
21 Oct, '21
SirMichael Admin"[Suggestion] A 1x1 Spiral Staircase (Unlockable)" (suggested by Aerospacebeaver on 2021-10-21), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
04 Nov, '21
Doubtfullemming MergedCan you look to add staircases that go up and to either the left or right? I find that having to put in straight staircases causes me to have to build rather bulky path structures. For instance if you have two stacked warehouses you need a platform to allow entrance to the bottom warehouse, a staircase and then a path tile - this effectively makes the warehouse occupy a 5 x 3 footprint. If staircases go to the left or right then you could make much tidier configurations of buildings
05 Nov, '21
Gin Fuyou Admin"Alternate Staircases" (suggested by Doubtfullemming on 2021-11-04), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
09 Dec, '21
Sudrien"Wooden 90° Stair"
Confuses the young ones, keeps them out of trouble.
"Mirrored Wooden 90° Stair"
Confuses the old ones, there are meany heated arguments around the campfire if it should be a -90° stair, or even worse, 270°. -
26 Dec, '21
Dattera MergedAdd round stairways with a quarter turn so you can place them in corners.
I feel like adding these would allow for a lot of creative layouts, while not taking away too much from the complications of planning around stairs - like something such as ladders would do - cause I think that figuring out where stairs should go is actually quite a fun puzzle. -
27 Dec, '21
Gin Fuyou Admin"Corner/rounded stairs" (suggested by Dattera on 2021-12-26), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
04 Jan, '22
TraktorfischI think stackable stairs and curve stairs combined are a good idea. It's hard to carry goods on ladders (as has been suggested on a different feature vote here), but stackable stairs in straight, and 90° left and right turn, would still allow lots of freedom with building. Maybe make them "expensive" by requiring metal or enhanced planks.
Of course, a 2x2 stackable staircase is also a nice idea, and both may be implemented, to be researched separately. -
12 Jan, '22
Fusa MergedAn option to add variants of stairs to help manage space a little more comfortably!
13 Jan, '22
Gin Fuyou Admin"Curved Stairs/ Corner Stairs" (suggested by Fusa on 2022-01-12), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
11 Feb, '22
DelugeI honestly think this is something that needs to be carefully play tested. I am looking around in my current play through of the game and a 90° stair would eliminate a LOT of pathing and platforms. Which is not necessarily a good thing. It would make the building process very streamlined and allow you to build very dense and clustered, which would take away both from the sprawling nature of your Beaver Town, but also from the success feeling of coming up with an efficient way to navigate your mess of buildings with clunky pathes, reminiscent of Roller Coaster Tycoon. I see it as a fun feature, not a bug.
I don't really want my beavers to have jetpacks either, even though it would make placing buildings easier. -
24 Feb, '22
A Evans MergedSingle square stairs with a 90-degree angle would be a good addition in my opinion as it would make building vertical structures much easier and vertical structures would look much more orderly. Two square 180-degree stairs might also be a good idea and would enable building neat spiral staircases.
24 Feb, '22
Gin Fuyou Admin"Angled stairs" (suggested by A Evans on 2022-02-24), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
16 Mar, '22
Gin Fuyou Admin"Winder Stairs" (suggested by Altayr Neto on 2022-03-16), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
11 Apr, '22
Tom MergedThere would be so many better design options if my stairs were sideways and not just straight.
11 Apr, '22
Gin Fuyou Admin"90 ° angle stairs" (suggested by Tom on 2022-04-11), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
12 Apr, '22
ISAWHIM MergedThe ability to make a spiral staircase or stairs around corners. Two potential types. One that is a single block and one that is an "L" shape. The "L" for corners would still be a single level or double level design.
Maybe a ramp too, if carts are made. Since carts are a possible consideration. -
12 Apr, '22
Gin Fuyou Admin"Corner stairs or quarter round" (suggested by ISAWHIM on 2022-04-12), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
31 Jul, '22
Allen MergedLadders that can curve around a corner could be useful
02 Aug, '22
Gin Fuyou Admin"Curved Ladders" (suggested by Allen on 2022-07-31), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
25 Sep, '22
LachlanI'd also love to see ladders that can work on cliffsides & elevators. Helps with vertical housing complexes. :)
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05 Nov, '22
Max MergedI think Timberborn is about building compact settlements. Therefore, I ask you to add stairs with a turn. I think it will diversify the players' builds.
How to use it? For example, you have little space left or you want to build a beautiful settlement, but the stairs take up 2 cells (road and stairs), you can put the stairs with a turn and not waste extra space. -
12 Nov, '22
Gin Fuyou Admin"Stairs with turn" (suggested by Max on 2022-11-05), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
07 Dec, '22
Switchblade88For anyone else interested/looking for this feature, there is a mod available with this exact solution:
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08 Jan, '23
Alex MergedJust a stair that can make a 90 degree turn in one square. Would be nice to make a tight spiral staircase.
11 Jan, '23
SirMichael Admin"Stairs that can turn 90 degrees" (suggested by Alex on 2023-01-08), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
10 Mar, '23
Gin Fuyou Admin"Spiral Staircases or Stairs with 90 degree would be so nice!" (suggested by Jonas on 2023-01-28), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
16 Mar, '23
Najay Merged-for useful. corner stairecase. upper truck corner but more expensive
-for design. like fence, more type of stairecase, and maybe more decoration. it can be for user and not necessary for the beaver's mood.
sorry for my english
good job, I pass good time on your game -
17 Mar, '23
Gin Fuyou Admin"more structure" (suggested by Najay on 2023-03-16), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
15 Jun, '23
Gin Fuyou Admin"L stairs" (suggested by Sca on 2023-06-14), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
23 Aug, '23
Spice MergedThis building is stackable and allows for a staircase to take up a 2x2 space with an exit at every level