Work shifts/schedule management

96 votes

It would be nice to be able to have multiple work shifts. Rather than all your bevers working for 16 hrs and then trying to do all their personal stuff in the remaining 8, it would be nice to have some working while others are off duty. Maybe have a late game building that lets you do administrative stuff, like set work shifts, and pause/unpause buildings individually or grouped by type, for specific shifts or for all of them. I find that I have an issue with water production when I turnd down working hours, despite having loads of pumps. It would be nice to have three 8 hour shifts, so that I can have a few beavers that work the night shift to keep pumping water, and then during the day some of the beavers would take time off. This would obviously require more beavers, as every building would require workers for every shift it was active on, but in a dense colony like mine you can have nearly 50% unemployment anyway, and you could support an even higher population with more efficiency

Under consideration Suggestion Suggested by: David C Bollinger Upvoted: 14 Apr Comments: 30

Comments: 30