Idea: wax and area comfort

5 votes

Wax would be used in mid to late game for increasing comfort and things like "wax clock" which uses wax to time things (useful for things like timed flood gates.)

Main uses of wax


Bees wax: produced from bees used as their version of wax, free production no beaver required max of 4 per hive.


1. wooden Braziers, these provide a 3 block area of comfort to beavers, can be "scented" to give an area buff like faster hauling or lower hunger in the area. burns 1 wax per day. (doesn't actually light things up.

2. Candles, stored in houses each house can have 4 of them. these provide an increase in comfort in the houses. as well as a buff to knowledge if the beavers have books.

based on this idea:


Iron tooth

soy wax: requires growing soy crops which can be produced into food via a grind stone or wax via a wax maker. same uses as folktails

Under consideration Resource Suggestion Suggested by: warbrand2 Upvoted: 22 Oct, '21 Comments: 2

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