Faction Specific Death/Grief/PshycTrauma Mechanics

5 votes

Heavily inspired by Frostpunk.

All factions need a psychological identity. To build this, there should be gameplay relevant mechanics around death and tragedy. Would lean into lore of drought, all humans dead, apocalypse, and so on.

*New building: cemetery.
**Limited space and slots free up slowly over time as the fallen decompose to dust.
**Beavers who are unburied (rot in open) lead to global productivity debuf.
**Requires resources to complete burials. (metal > planks > wood caskets)
*New building: Experimental Lumberworks
**A place to store beavers in palliative care, requiring only 1/10th water to live.
**Can be used to get through a super 30-day drought that colony is unlikely to survive.

*New building: crematorium.
**Requires amount of wood based on game difficulty.
**Beavers who are unburnt (rot in open) lead to disease outbreak as Ironteeth immune system is weak.
*New building: humane execution chamber
**Based on history of human civ.
**1000 HP

Under consideration Building Gameplay Suggestion Suggested by: parakeetfour Upvoted: 09 Mar, '22 Comments: 2

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