Contamination lasts WAY too long - faster decontamination

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I have 3 decontamination beds, and 2 contaminated beavers, it seems to take about 10 days to cure a single beaver per bed. I feel this may be far too long of a time, perhaps have contamination cure itself slowly at that rate - while beaver refuses to work, but have the decontamination bed do it ~5x faster or so. As it stands right now my beavers are more likely to die from old age rather than be healed.

Perhaps have the contamination slowly build up on a beaver, giving a partial penalty until it gets too high where they refuse to work (like a reverse hunger - builds up to bad thing - where hunger drains down to death)

Also, during redtide events I think it might be neat if only half or so of the water that comes is badwater, and other half still good, letting your pumps still work at a certain efficiency, and some crops still live, but riverside ones still die, but make the redwater event last longer than droughts (1.5-2x or so). Too easy to redirect as is.

Under consideration Experimental Suggestion Suggested by: CPTRedFuzz Upvoted: 22 Jan Comments: 10

Comments: 10