Add weather features. Rain.
Having occasional rain, storms and sunny days could bring some more variation to the experience and the landscape.
[mod edit]: added picture from suggestion by RAGMUFFINassassin
Comments: 80
15 Sep, '21
schustobi MergedThere is an extra season with a lot more water coming out of the water sourses, so you have to build a dam to protect your town from flooding. Rain would be also a great feature for this season.
4 -
16 Sep, '21
Gordon MergedPlease add rain and rain water collection, it is tough to get water inland.
8 -
16 Sep, '21
pmduda Admin"Super Wet season" (suggested by schustobi on 2021-09-15), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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16 Sep, '21
pmduda Admin"Rain and Rain water collection" (suggested by Gordon on 2021-09-16), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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16 Sep, '21
pmduda Admin"Floodings" (suggested by Chao on 2021-09-16), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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21 Sep, '21
Aaron Cook MergedMaybe some other weather than drought, maybe floods & landslides?
Snow for Frost & Frozen Water -
21 Sep, '21
Gin Fuyou Admin"Weather Changes" (suggested by Aaron Cook on 2021-09-21), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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23 Sep, '21
SpookyjonsonA monsoon / flood season would be so awesome! It could be once every 3rd/5th/etc cycle to balance out the droughts. Another concept(s) I was thinking of to tie into a "wet" season: if your town becomes flooded and you cant bail water out, crops and water pumps arent usable, water tanks are filled (since they are open top), all buildings with the "solid" context are not usable unless they are above water (stacked buildings would still work as long as they are over water line) with the mechanic of solid buildings sinking you could implement a "floating" building type, this building works in all seasons, maybe smaller or less productive than solid type buildings but cannot sink and floating is automatically activated when water level raises so the "floating" type building is always operational unless paused. I could get into a whole rant about how this game could be updated with water flow physics so that your floating buildings could drift away but I will leave it at that :)
-Spooky -
24 Sep, '21
Spyken MergedLet us have a Temputure to the wather,
Let us see the conversion of Water/vapor/snow
Let it rain, let it snow, let the water evaporate, let the snow melt.
Let the elevation of the land affect temperature of water.
Let the surface water evaporate under the sun.
Let the underground water be protected from the sun.
The more the vapor go up in the sky, the more it get colder.
Let the vapor consandate into rain/snow
Let the snow/ice/water turn into vapor, when it go deep under the land.
Let the ice move very slowy.
Let the compacted snow turn ito ice.
Create a avalanche if the ice can't suport the snow.
Set a temperature on Snow. (0-100)
set a temperature on Water. (100-200)
Set a temperature on Vapor. (200-300)
It will hadd alot of fun in game and could be play also has a multiplayer survival.
The last thing to do would be to build a planet map of the game, like in the game of "Planetary annihilation" or "Befor we leave."
Thank you for Ti -
25 Sep, '21
David C Bollinger Mergedmaybe as part of custom difficulty settings?
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27 Sep, '21
zagromIn addition to what people have suggested here. I'd also like some atmospheric weather was well, Like fog or dust storms, in addition to rain, snow, or maybe hail, even if they have no effect on gameplay, just to change up the mood every so often.
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30 Sep, '21
Peter DI'd really love a day of light rain when the drought season ends, to water all the plants and quench the beaver thirst a small amount. That way it's a lot harder for beavers to die as long as they survived to the end of the drought, and you don't have to wait for the river to fill back up which can sometimes take almost a full day.
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05 Oct, '21
pmduda Admin"Extend game play" (suggested by Tweelicht on 2021-10-03), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
05 Oct, '21
pmduda Admin"More Climate and Weather Conditions." (suggested by Garus on 2021-09-24), including upvotes (9) and comments (2), was merged into this suggestion.
09 Oct, '21
Stephen MergedI don't know if you calculate heat itself during a heatwave but high temperatures could literally be fatal to unprotected beavers. Those long hauling routes might be ok on a cool day among well watered trees but the same trip fatal during a heat wave.
Assign each square on the map a heat score.
some core factors would only need to be calculated occasionally (hourly?) such as
Distance from living trees,
Distance from water / fountains
From this baseline a factor could be added through the day setting the temperature for the map. This way players can cool areas by ensuring there are living trees / water around to affect the habitability of the map.
For the beavers themselves each would have a heat tolerance effectively number of ticks exceeding some threshold (probably a set number at first as it would make it easier to highlight dangerous areas to the player with heat haze or similar) once that tolerance is exceeded for more than some number of hours they would -
11 Oct, '21
Richard Merged1. More variation in drought duration/severity/frequency, i.e. water doesn't always *stop* but might slow right down, some droughts last longer than others and don't just increase in severity and frequency, etc;
2. Erosion - damming and water management could have knock-on effects including erosion of riverbanks, to be managed/counteracted by planting trees or building levees;
3. Precipitation and run-off - localised rain (i.e. a sensible scale for a 256x256 world might only have rain falling on an area no bigger than 25% of the map size at any given time), and depending on where the rain falls, the water will run off into one catchment or another, and can cause flooding in unpredictable ways, particularly if areas with high run-off frequently erode. This could also create a game mode where the *only* renewable water source is local rainfall. -
11 Oct, '21
Gin Fuyou Admin MergedI've slightly edited title
14 Oct, '21
FalconAtSeasons in general would be neat.
Maybe on every 1st cycle it's summer, playing just like normal.
Every 2nd cycle it's autumn. Trees turn orange, like they don't have enough water, but otherwise it's normal gameplay. It's just an aesthetic difference and a warning of seasons to come.
Every 3rd cycle it's winter and everything dries out, regardless of water. They can still be harvested (especially trees) but they can't be replanted. The drought is replaced by a hard freeze. Water pumps slow down (but do not stop) and paths under the ice stop working. The main challenge is to the player's storage capacity, but crops and trees already in the ground are still accessible.
Every 4th cycle it's spring, and it plays like normal until the drought. The drought is replaced by a flood.
Throughout all of this, blueberries always remain a growing food source. -
15 Oct, '21
RAGMUFFINassassin MergedAdding periodic rain storms to the game. These would occur during both wet season and drought. (Possibly less frequent during drought)
Also a way to collect this rain water, by gutters and pipes or a special rain water collection structure. -
16 Oct, '21
Gin Fuyou Admin"New Weather Feature: RAIN" (suggested by RAGMUFFINassassin on 2021-10-15), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
20 Oct, '21
FalconAtThere seems to be three main suggestions by commenters:
1: Aesthetic weather, such as rainstorms, without any mechanical impact
2: Mechanical weather, such as flooding
3: Water collection buildings based on either or both of the above.
#1 and #3 are suggested by the original poster, but a lot of the comments and upvotes, as well as a lot of the merged suggestions, support #2 as well.
Because of this, it seems to me that the following suggestion should be merged with this one: -
29 Oct, '21
Fernando Sebastián Espinoza Carbajal MergedSometimes, you get in a checkmate if you didn't calculate right your supplies like food or water, in the case of the water it s even more extreme, and you hae to wait a long long time, even when there's no drought anymore (because of the time of the water comeback), so it would be great to add a lucky factor of rain, that could save your game until the next drought
29 Oct, '21
Gin Fuyou Admin"Rain" (suggested by Fernando Sebastián Espinoza Carbajal on 2021-10-29), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
20 Dec, '21
Snazzy J Wyrm MergedRare events in which it rains. These events can add a new layer of managing your civilization, offering more benefits and challenges.
Rainy days allow for any dry land to become fertile for the duration of the event and can last for half a day to a whole day.
Stormy days are like rainy days, except with more rain fall. Slight chance for flooding to occur.
Monsoon events are stormy days taken to the max and can go on for days. Intense rain fall occurs. High chance of flooding to occur.
Dampness allows for a land to be fertile even if there is no water near it. Dampness can only occur when a land tile is already fertile when a rain, storm, or monsoon event occurs. If too much water floods an area effected by dampness, the tiles in that area will lose the dampness effect.
flood pumps are special pumps that drain access water from flooding. They take up one tile of space, can only be built on land, are not solid, and do not need beavers to operate them on a daily basis. -
20 Dec, '21
Gin Fuyou Admin"Rain, Storms, Monsoons, Dampness, and Flood Pumps" (suggested by Snazzy J Wyrm on 2021-12-20), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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20 Dec, '21
Gin Fuyou Admin"More realistic weather and water dynamics (rain, runoff, erosion, drought randomness etc)" (suggested by Richard on 2021-10-11), including upvotes (2) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
01 Jan, '22
Coatimundi MergedFrom my understanding rain has already been talked about, along with monsoon seasons and flooding but my question is what about something a little bit more dangerous. Tornadoes and Forest Fires. In my head it would work basically like this:
Wild Fires: During droughts or dry seasons have small forest fires, the size of the fire would be limited as to not make it to difficult but the point would be to put pressure on your lumber supply. It would have to be limited, no one wants an entire timber made city to burn to ashes in three seconds. That would ruin the fun.
Tornadoes & windstorms: Occasionally a tornado/windstorms rip through valleys damaging your builds, causing you to 'repair' your structures with logs, planks, and/or gears. Not completely destroying your buildings obviously(Unless you want it to devs lol). The degree of the damage can depend on if its a windstorm or tornado, with obviously the tornado doing more damage but in a more narrow or limited area. -
15 Jan, '22
Stuart MergedThis would force you to plan for overflow situations and add interest. You could also make the flow fluctuate, which would force you to manage the gates more closely
16 Jan, '22
Gin Fuyou Admin"In addition to drought there should be a rainy season" (suggested by Stuart on 2022-01-15), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
04 Feb, '22
VasI'd like it if weather were more random too, not based on the day, but hours instead. Types of weather I'd like to see however:
Temperate: Exactly as it is now.
Light Rain: Extends water range by 25%.
Rain: The entire map becomes green and grassy for the duration of the storm. Always has light rain before and after for a random duration of hours.
Heavy Rain: All water sources increase output by 25-50%, always has rain prior and after for x-y hours.
Hurricane: All water sources increase output by 3 times, always has heavy rain prior and after for x-y hours.
Light Drought: Water source output decreased by 50%.
Drought: Exactly as it is now.
Severe Drought: Water range decreased by 25%. Always has a drought before and after for x-y hours.
Cold: Water source output decreased 25%
Severe Cold: Water source output decreased 50%, all surface water that isn't moving above 0.5cms freezes and can be walked across and mined for ice to melt for water. -
04 Feb, '22
FluddyMaybe the weather could be linked to the chosen difficulty. On easy, you only get sunny and rainy. On normal, you get sunny, rain and seldom storms with heavy rain with flood potential and storm damage e.g. fallen trees, killed crops. On hard, you get all that but storm damage can also partially break buildings so they have to be rebuild, storms and storms with floods are more likely and there are random cold times, where you need fire places and logs to keep warm (maybe further the potential of the fire places that are already in the game?). In that time, water flows slower or becomes ice, same with the crops and trees, they eather grow slower or die. So it's important to store enough food, wood, water and so on to survive the cold.
12 Feb, '22
Zam! Admin"Extreme Weather-Hard Mode" (suggested by Coatimundi on 2022-01-01), including upvotes (4) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
12 Feb, '22
Zam! Admin"Some suggestions for extreme weather - heat" (suggested by Stephen on 2021-10-09), including upvotes (4) and comments (1), was merged into this suggestion.
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12 Feb, '22
Zam! Admin"Temputure of wather (conversion Water/vapor/snow)" (suggested by Spyken on 2021-09-24), including upvotes (5) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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25 Feb, '22
Martin Theobald MergedAdditional item to allow some more variations for map making. Basically same behaviour as currently just grey clouds with rain over it when spawning water to symbolize rainstorm
02 Mar, '22
Gin Fuyou Admin"Alternative Item to spawn water: Rain clouds" (suggested by Martin Theobald on 2022-02-25), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
08 Mar, '22
Dandi RamdhaniI Think its better to have such facility to only collect water from rain. maybe upgradable irrigation system that can collect rainwater
09 Mar, '22
Philip MergedI see many intresting suggestions about weather, I think it would be good if when creating the world, I can shose if I have weather variasions more like in coolder countries, jungle, dessert.. So that some has 4 seasons, some has just 2 other have rain flood and extreem dry...
I would like it because I can imagin it being fun to play many of the weather suggestions. -
09 Mar, '22
SirMichael Admin"Another weather idea: different weather types" (suggested by Philip on 2022-03-09), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
22 Mar, '22
Taco_Supreme MergedHave storms where you have to control excess water and where the wind can damage your windmills.
23 Mar, '22
Gin Fuyou Admin"Make it rain." (suggested by Taco_Supreme on 2022-03-22), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
03 Apr, '22
Skweb MergedIt has to rain at some point even during a drought? I see no rain. It needs rain. Also fire when theres a grill theres fire i wish for accidents. Hospitals for said accidents????
03 Apr, '22
Gin Fuyou Admin"Rain? + Fire?" (suggested by Skweb on 2022-04-03), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
18 Jun, '22
ShayemI would really appreciate rain, as I build lakes, fill them, but then without leaving the dump there they slowly dry up.
I like having little lakes around housing as aesthetics and the dump is ugly :(
Let rain fill up my little mini lakes at least! -
19 Jun, '22
Gin Fuyou AdminUnrelated, but it looks like your could easily hide a canal under house complexes and and paths to feed your ponds centralized or from a stream
25 Aug, '22
MattStill hoping to see weather added to the game in the form of rain/storms that can damage some structures while dropping rain in areas that may not be irrigated otherwise, as well as frost/snow that can damage crops and slow down beaver movement speed, but also eventually melt and irrigate.
09 Jan, '23
Lucas Hampstead MergedI would like to see rainfall which helps to fill tank and water crops/trees but also contributes to flooding
21 Jan, '23
Gin Fuyou Admin"Rainfall" (suggested by Lucas Hampstead on 2023-01-09), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
10 Mar, '23
MarbausIn simulations games, like this one, weather is an obvious necessity for 'simulation' to be part of the title. It is an essential aspect of the purpose behind building anything like a home, storage for food, and the like. This can be combined with the above suggestion of a flood period as well as the suggestion of 'snow/winter' months.
I honestly expected a flood season simply because there is a drought season, as polarities are generally a 'rule' to a challenge, whereas the 'middle ground' is the 'sweet spot' we all know and love. This is as attempting to maintain the 'challenge of balances' in all earnings and savings of resources, and storages of these resources become exponentially important. It will lend to a higher degree of gameplay, and considerably aspect of replay-ability, which is important for simulation/strategy city building games.
This kind of thing could also be something that could be 'turned on/off', as some prefer the cozy concepts of creative play.