Here's where we squash Timberborn bugs and consider new features! ๐Ÿ›

To make the process smooth please follow these rules:

๐ŸŒณ Use English. The only allowed exception is described in the thread on in-game text and translations pinned below.
๐ŸŒณ Before posting, check for duplicate suggestions by using "Search". If someone has already shared something similar, upvote and/or comment.
๐ŸŒณ When reporting bugs, add any details that may help us reproduce the bug. Remember that you can attach image files to your suggestions.
๐ŸŒณ Saves and player logs help us even more. You can send an anonymous report via a post-crash screen after the game stopped working. If that screen didn't appear, please post your bug report and then e-mail us the files using this address. Remember to link your suggestion! Where are the logs and saves, you ask? Check out this thread.
๐ŸŒณ You may also suggest and upvote new features big and small. And if you feel you'd rather discuss live, join our Discord.

Thank you for your feedback!

Custom key bindings

Ability to customize key bindings. [mod edit]: keybind, hotkey, shortcut, key mapping, keybinding
Suggested by: Fidget (16 Sep, '21) Upvoted: 08 Feb Comments: 104

Font size and contrast settings - readability options when text is too small (tiny letters)

[Posted on behalf of Mama_Mama from our discord]: Can we have some options on the UI please? I have a minor eyesight issue so to be able to read any of the text in ...
Suggested by: Gin Fuyou (04 Oct, '23) Upvoted: 29 Dec, '24 Comments: 24
Under consideration Accessibility Suggestion UI

UI Colorblind Modes

Add in options to adjust the UI colors for individuals who have color vision deficiency.
Suggested by: James (21 Sep, '21) Upvoted: 19 Nov, '24 Comments: 1
Under consideration Accessibility UI

mouse pointer is tiny and unusable

When running a hidpi screen, the UI scales correctly but the mouse pointer remains tiny. Given that its black in the first case, this makes it nearly impossible to see.
Suggested by: Bolo (24 Dec, '22) Upvoted: 03 Jan Comments: 0
Under consideration Accessibility UI

Turkish language

Turkish language support should be added to the game.
Suggested by: Burak (30 Sep, '21) Upvoted: 26 May, '24 Comments: 7
Under consideration Accessibility Suggestion

Be able to move Buildings and explain the power and generator connectors for buildings

1.move houses/buildings to another location >>>>then you won't have to delete etc 2.If u delete a building We should be able to re use resources . 3.Change the ...
Suggested by: surfbeach j (22 Sep, '21) Upvoted: 12 Oct, '24 Comments: 3
Under consideration Accessibility Suggestion

Czech language localization

What about implement Czech localization/language in to this game? (Timberborn)
Suggested by: K. (18 Jun, '23) Upvoted: 26 Jan Comments: 2
Under consideration Accessibility

Hungarian language

I would be interested in adding the Hungarian language to the game. I would be interested in the translation, also.
Suggested by: UsagiYojimbo (24 Dec, '21) Upvoted: 18 Dec, '24 Comments: 1
Under consideration Accessibility Suggestion

Update 3 Experimental - UI Quality of life changes

There are two MAJOR quality of life improvements that can be added to the new UI features that ould drastically improve accesibility and functionality of the UI. ...
Suggested by: Zam! (21 Nov, '22) Upvoted: 24 Jun, '23 Comments: 1
Under consideration Accessibility Experimental QOL UI

An option for bigger icons for tired eyes or dissable people

Iยดm aware that the hud is big and has a lot of elements and I enjoy all of them and the posibilities they give me, but sometimes is hard for me to see or find a lot ...
Suggested by: Luu (02 Oct, '21) Upvoted: 30 Jun, '23 Comments: 1

Tutorial, entertainment and looks

I would like to have some tutorial/help on creating new districts and how to manage them. Entertainmentwise some quirky stuff would be fun: Maybe a theater group, ...
Suggested by: RJH (12 Nov, '21) Upvoted: 20 Aug, '24 Comments: 1

New employment screen - changes for better visual representation and more intuitive control.

Right now the workplaces screen lists all buildings and alows to see their priorities pretty easily. Unfortunately the jobs are still a confusing mess and even when ...
Suggested by: Zam! (05 Mar, '22) Upvoted: 08 Aug, '22 Comments: 0
Under consideration Accessibility Experimental UI Visual

More accessibility and UI scaling options, bigger icons

I am 67 and would love to play this game (as would my daughter and her daughter too!) but I can't read any of the info tabs or anything at all in fact. If there were ...
Suggested by: Julia (08 Dec, '24) Upvoted: 14 Dec, '24 Comments: 6
Under consideration Accessibility UI

Add the Arabic language translation

You must add the Arabic language. We Arabs make up a large number of players and I am surprised that the Arabic language is not added?
Suggested by: xtremv6 (30 Sep, '21) Upvoted: 01 Mar, '24 Comments: 2
Under consideration Accessibility Suggestion

Sound improvement, replacement or toggle for annoying sfx (misophonia/beaver snoring)

Whenever I click on a house a beaver is snoring. Please be easy on people with misophonia, because it is a terrible sound for me and many other people with ...
Suggested by: Robert (19 Apr, '23) Upvoted: 17 Mar, '24 Comments: 3
Under consideration Accessibility Audio

Make water more visible for colourblind people

Playing on the first map, i pretty much cannot see the water. Please allow an option for more water opaqueness / stronger colour. Similar with darkwater and ground ...
Suggested by: Primoz (30 Apr, '24) Upvoted: 10 Jun, '24 Comments: 2

Power changed game controls (Dupont translation)

I am a quadriplegic player who plays with a finger in touch, I tried Timberborn but impossible to get started because the controls as they are do not facilitate the ...
Suggested by: SirMichael (08 Oct, '21) Upvoted: 10 Oct, '21 Comments: 1
Under consideration Accessibility

Using red/green as indicator of district path is bad for red green color blind users

When viewing the district paths, they are color coded red/green to indicate if they are too long. This causes difficulties for users with red/green disorder as the ...
Suggested by: Eric (15 Oct, '24) Upvoted: 17 Jan Comments: 0
Under consideration Accessibility

Finnish language translation

More languages the better. I love this game and would gladly help or even localize the whole game to my native language, so that more people could enjoy this game.
Suggested by: Emil Ahvenainen (06 Nov, '24) Upvoted: 19 Nov, '24 Comments: 1
Under consideration Accessibility Suggestion

More Customizeable UI / UI Scale

Maybe its my "old man eyes (TM)" but when trying to select the good for a storage building, I find it hard to see the little pictures of the storable items and often ...
Suggested by: Apollo (26 May, '23) Upvoted: 02 Jun, '23 Comments: 0
Under consideration Accessibility UI

Cursor size should scale with interface size

Currently, on higher resolution monitors, the mouse cursor can be difficult to spot at times due to its smaller relative size. I think that it should match the size ...
Suggested by: ETG (30 Oct, '24) Upvoted: 30 Oct, '24 Comments: 0
Under consideration Accessibility UI

Pause/Play Buttons UX Fix - speed indicators are poorly visible

It's a bit difficult to see if the pause or play buttons are actually pressed. Not sure if it's a colour-blind issue. Perhaps make the selected game speed glow a bit ...
Suggested by: Bob (03 Oct, '23) Upvoted: 03 Oct, '23 Comments: 0
Under consideration Accessibility Suggestion UI